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Interracial Mommy by dont steal my shit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Starting up...

This is the 1st edition of Interracial Mommy. This blog started as many ideas that rolled into one. I've always wanted to find a way to reach people who are like me and I think this may be the way to do it. We plan to post articles and items that are relevant to you the interracial mommy. We will also be catering to young moms, teen moms, in a new and innovative way. We will provide tips, advise, and counseling on being a mom, being an interracial mom, and being a young teen mom.
Let me give you some background on myself. I young mom. I had my first daughter when I was 19. Everyone I went to school with was spending their time hanging out, going to parties, and checking out colleges. I was folding laundry, working, and changing pampers. I won't spend much time crying about that because that was the choice I made at the time. What I was upset about was the lack of helpful resources out there for a young mother of my age. Everywhere I went, I was the youngest mom. I looked like a school child compared to these women. I felt odd and out of place, and no one ever went out of their way to make me feel OK about it.
I remember feeling like everything was just wrong. So wrong that you can't put a finger on one single thing, but you know it's all wrong. But you just keep going, because what else are you to do?
Then there was the race issue. Ever prevalent in our "liberal" society. I was a young white girl, or WhiteBread as I was affectionately called by my friends, pregnant at a tender age with a black man's child. This is a recipe for evil looks, actions, and remarks from both sides of the fence. And yet, here I am 15years later, and still standing tall. Still climbing for the sky. Still wanting to help make it easier for the young women who follow behind me.
This blog is meant to serve that girl I was so many years ago, as well as the woman I have grown up to be. I know there are many of you out there, and we hope you can grow with us. We plan to offer a wealth of knowledge on a multitude of topics. You will find items and news that you can you use, that can help you become the best person and mother that you can be. It's all within your hands, mold it wisely...
Until our next post...
Live, Love, Laugh, and Learn...

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