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Friday, August 13, 2010


Sometimes that is a hard word for me. Whether or not you are satisfied with something is such a relative thing. Two people can experience the same thing and one can feel satisfied and the other not. Today I want to talk about satisfaction with life as a whole. Are you satisfied? If not, what would make you satisfied?
Satisfaction can come in many forms, a job, money, love. For me satisfaction is deeply rooted in my happiness. Am I happy with my life, how it is at the moment, how I think it will turn out, etc. Sometimes I feel as if there is something missing in my life, something that I am not satisfied with, and yet I cannot put my finger on what this item is. What would make my life complete?
A different job, or the job of my dreams would make my life complete. I would be able to make enough money to support my family and would wake up eager to go to work everyday. But, isn't that what everyone wants? It would also make me happy if my daughters were straight A students in honor classes, or if I had enough money to buy the things that I want without a care in the world.
But would those things really satisfy me? I'm not so sure. I think once those wants were met, I would want for something else. So does that mean I am never satisfied? I cannot agree with that either because I know there are things in my life that I am satisfied with.
When I talk to my brother about these feelings, he tries to put things into perspective for me. there are people out there with no job, mothers with no help from family, no father for their children, no car, no job, no education, no health care. I have a little something of all these things. I have a job, even though I do not like it. I have family help, though limited at times and rightly so. I have a husband who has always been here for me and my children and who fixes my car whenever it needs it. I have a decent education, my children are getting good educations, and I am currently enrolled in school now. I have insurance on myself and the kids. What else could I want? What could be more satisfying?
When he tells me these things it makes me feel bad because I know he is 100% right. So again, for me, I think my unsatisfaction is more deeply rooted. When I tell my best friend about these feelings, he says I am still looking for something. Something I have not filled or found yet, and only I can figure out what it is. So, I began a personal journey to try to discover this missing link in my life. Many suggestions come to mind right away. Is it closure, friendship, intimacy, acceptance? While I think I am searching for certain things within those categories, I also think that is not "it".
I was watching an episode of LA Ink a couple of nights ago. I do like this show, although I am not an avid viewer of any show. I don't record them or set special time aside for them because I feel real life is more interesting. But when I am in my bed, restless and awake at 2a.m. and there is a marathon on, I watch. So in this episode a girl got a tattoo that said "Fortes fortuna adiuvat" which means Fortune Favors the Bold. She said she had always wanted to do cool stuff like race cars, bikes, etc, and she realized one day if she wanted to do those things she just had to be bold and go out and do them, they were not going to come to her.
That's when it hit me. What's missing, what my dissatisfaction is. It's my career. I never did what I wanted to really do when I grew up. And my inner soul has been trying to get me to realize this. this is my missing piece to my puzzle, my something that I am still searching for. And yet, now that I know for sure what it is, it seems even farther away. I want to work in the water, with the water, and the creatures of the water. Outside. Wet. Cold. All things I do no necessarily care for...and yet will not be happy in my life without them. Funny isn't it?
So, I became bold, changed my major, signed up for my first class, and researched a scholarship I will apply for next year. I may be at the beginning of the race...but I am bold enough to not waste anymore time and get it started. You should too...
Live, Love, Laugh, Learn, and Teach!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Beyoncé - Flaws And All

I posted this video to pay homage to all the true men and women out there who do unconditionally love their mate, flaws and all. I am lucky to be able to have found someone like that, and I hope everyone out there finds theirs. This song uplifts me in several ways. Take a listen and tell me how it affects you...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Off to a good start...

It seems like the weather is falling behind itself. Sometimes I feel that way too. I work during the day, but I should mention that this is the first job I have had in about ten years that has a M-F daytime schedule. Anyway, it seems like in the morning my brain is working a million thoughts a minute. I have to keep a pen and pad with me to keep all my ideas, otherwise I will forget them. You can pick one up for cheep at Borders(link below), and they will email you monthly coupons. I keep it in my purse, but I can't always write in it. I have to sneak when I am at work. I remember watching women on Oprah tell of their success and they always said they kept notepads to write stuff down on. I always thought that was SO stupid. I'm busy enough as it is...when the hell would I have time to write stuff down. I could picture myself in the middle of a crowd, stopping every one's conversation, to write in my 7th grade diary...not professional looking, I thought. Well, I can say it helps. So I find a way to write things down. Thoughts, feelings, ideas...we use Post-It notes a lot at work, so sometimes I come home with a few of those that then need to be transferred onto my pad. I have found this helps me to keep track of things and not forget things, so maybe it can help you.
I have some other helpful info this morning, the CHA is opening the Section 8 housing list again this year. This is the first time since 1998, when my first daughter was born, that they are opening it up. EVERYONE needs to get on this list. You never know what could happen or how your situation can change over the years, and we all know it will take years for you to move up this list. However, once it opens up for you, you will be happy to receive the benefits at that time. This is one of those things that works quietly in the background for you until it produces a result for you. I strongly recommend several things like this going on in the background for you. Follow the link below...
Also, before I go today, I want to talk about fun things to do with your kids for cheap. The museums in Chicago have fee days several times a year. Don't be fooled by the word free, because we all know nothing in this world is free, especially for a woman. usually what the "free" means is that entry into the main area of the museum is free, but other areas or special exhibits still carry a cost for entry. This is still a significant savings however, as regular admission can be upwards of $75 for three people. So, find the location on the day that works for you. Next, be sure to take CTA to the museum. Every museum has front door service provided by the CTA, it is less expensive than gas and parking, and if you pack accordingly, can be a very fun addition to your outing for the kiddies. Next, bring your lunch, elementary school style. ;) Pack sandwiches, chips, juices or pops, and snacks. This will pay off big in the end. The only thing you will need are cups of ice which you can get from the food areas there for little or no cost. You and your little ones can enjoy food you have prepared of your liking, and not feel cheated by paying $25 for two small hamburgers and one pop. Bring your camera and have fun with the kids, let them kick loose, and you will enjoy the day as much as them. Follow the links below...
Until next time...
Live, Love, Laugh, and Learn

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Starting up...

This is the 1st edition of Interracial Mommy. This blog started as many ideas that rolled into one. I've always wanted to find a way to reach people who are like me and I think this may be the way to do it. We plan to post articles and items that are relevant to you the interracial mommy. We will also be catering to young moms, teen moms, in a new and innovative way. We will provide tips, advise, and counseling on being a mom, being an interracial mom, and being a young teen mom.
Let me give you some background on myself. I young mom. I had my first daughter when I was 19. Everyone I went to school with was spending their time hanging out, going to parties, and checking out colleges. I was folding laundry, working, and changing pampers. I won't spend much time crying about that because that was the choice I made at the time. What I was upset about was the lack of helpful resources out there for a young mother of my age. Everywhere I went, I was the youngest mom. I looked like a school child compared to these women. I felt odd and out of place, and no one ever went out of their way to make me feel OK about it.
I remember feeling like everything was just wrong. So wrong that you can't put a finger on one single thing, but you know it's all wrong. But you just keep going, because what else are you to do?
Then there was the race issue. Ever prevalent in our "liberal" society. I was a young white girl, or WhiteBread as I was affectionately called by my friends, pregnant at a tender age with a black man's child. This is a recipe for evil looks, actions, and remarks from both sides of the fence. And yet, here I am 15years later, and still standing tall. Still climbing for the sky. Still wanting to help make it easier for the young women who follow behind me.
This blog is meant to serve that girl I was so many years ago, as well as the woman I have grown up to be. I know there are many of you out there, and we hope you can grow with us. We plan to offer a wealth of knowledge on a multitude of topics. You will find items and news that you can you use, that can help you become the best person and mother that you can be. It's all within your hands, mold it wisely...
Until our next post...
Live, Love, Laugh, and Learn...