Let's back up and let me preempt this post by saying I am at a cool point in my life right now where I see everything through two sets of eyes. One set that is still in my late teens to early twenties, and one set that is the age I am now (not telling) which of course is more grown up and reasonable.
Ok, back to the article. So the present day me was a little surprised because my rational adult thought when I first read the headline was "You big dummy!" (in my Fred Sanford voice). Of course you are fertile and only when you actually WANT to have a real baby will you realize you were cursed with not being able to do so and that will be because you paid a bunch of money to a doctor to tell you this. Everyone should always assume they are fertile until proven otherwise by a licensed physician.
Now, for the irrational child-like me. Yea, I thought that too, and so did a bunch of my friends when I was younger and dumber. If I had a dime for everyone who told me they couldn't have kids based purely on the fact that they had not had any yet I would be sitting at Trump status. We all thought that too. I still have friends who tell me that just because they have not gotten a girl pregnant yet. I had a bunch of unprotected sex as a teenager and never got preggers...until later.
What is so disturbing about this thought process is that it is sticking. EVERYONE thinks this now. Young people are becoming more and more risky with their behavior and using YOLO for their excuse. For those who don't know YOLO stands for You Only Live Once. This type of lifestyle is ruining our youth and our future. It's corny and old but Whitney said it best, "I believe the children are our future...". What a future we have in front of us with this mind set.
Yes, you only live once, but that is not an excuse or ticket to behave irrationally or irresponsibly. Instead, think of it as a reason to DO IT THE RIGHT WAY and NOT CARELESSLY. Prepare your life so that you can enjoy every aspect of it, instead of rushing into things and dealing with the consequences later. It is much easier to make a plan and stick to it to achieve your goals than to just wander aimlessly and look back at your life in 10 years and wonder why you didn't achieve what you wanted in life.
I wish I could interview some of these kids in 5 or 1o years from now right now. My first questions would be:
1. How'd that face tatt work out for your career?
2. How many kids you got now?
To all my young readers, wake up. Realize that you DO only have one life to live. One life that should be cherished, protected, and honored. TRUST AND BELIEVE life is nothing like a rap video, even for those guys. That's only on the weekends, everyday is everyday, and it's going to be about 4 million (exaggeration) regular days to every 4 rap video days. That's the reality of life. So if you don't want all your regular days to be shitty...wake up, now!
To all my older readers, be a mentor to someone, don't just walk past our youth in the streets and say "it's not my kid". It may not be your kid, but they are someone's kid. If it was my kid I sure hope someone like me would stop and offer a thought provoking conversation that would slap her back into reality. I do it all the time. All the time.
Live, love, laugh, learn, & teach!